from UTS University of Technology Sydney
Subject-verb agreement
A common problem in some students' work are errors between
subject and verb agreement. This is where the subject does not agree with the
e.g. Theories suggests that modern healthcare
standards is not effective.
This can be due to whether the noun in the sentence is plural
or single or that the pronoun (subject) is not matching the main verb.
Below are some guidelines here which may help prevent this in
your writing.
General guidelines
1. The subject and verb might have many words
between them. The subject still controls the verb:
- This
university, which is made up of many students, teachers, and others, is
- The colours
of a gas spectrum tell of its chemical composition.
- The effect
which these reactions caused during the last three weeks is insignificant.
2. Subjects with two or more parts joined by ‘and’
usually require a plural verb:
- Krypton and
neon are noble gasses.
- Salt and
pepper are always on the table.
However, if two subjects
are thought of as a single thing, then use a singular verb. For example:
- Fish and
chips is my favourite dish.
3. Subjects with two or more parts joined by or,
nor, neither. . , nor. . ., either. . . or. . ., not only. . ., but also. . . require
the verb to agree with the final noun:
- Salt or
pepper is always on the table.
- Real estate
or securities are a suitable investment at this time.
- Neither
stocks nor real estate is a good investment at the moment.
4. In sentences that begin with here or there, the
subject is after the verb, and determines the verb:
- There are
four students in my presentation group and we will discuss the marketing
- There is a
single main idea in my first paragraph.
5. Certain groups of words look plural, but are singular. This is
especially true for subjects and disciplines, and for illnesses:
- Physics is
the science of matter and energy.
- Diabetes is
a terrible disease.
- Other words
in these categories include economics, electronics, mathematics, and
measles, mumps, and shingles.
6. When writing about measurements, the singular
verb is usually used:
- Four grams
of magnesium was used in the chemical experiment.
7. The indefinite pronouns everybody, everyone,
everything take singular verbs:
- Everything
in chemistry is explainable in atomic terms and widely explored in the
8. However, plural determiners like few, many,
several, both, all, some take plural verbs:
- Many of my
fellow students are ready for their presentations today.
- Few things
at university are more valuable than making good friends.
9. Collective nouns often take singular verbs:
- My
family is very supportive of my studies here.
However, they may also
take plural verbs. For example:
- My
family are very supportive of my studies here.
Which is correct? Often it
depends on how you think of the group: ‘My family’ as a single unit, or ‘My’
family as several individuals. Other collective nouns like this include team,
class, cohort, government, crowd, and orchestra.
10. All of, any of, enough of, more of, most of,
none of, some of, a quantity of, and similar subjects can take a singular or
plural noun. The best guide is to look at the object of the preposition of:
- None of
this material is suitable for industrial applications.
- None of
these materials are suitable for industrial applications.
11. Titles take singular verbs. This is for books,
movies, songs, stories, and the like:
- The
Regulations of the Senate is a very important document in Australian
politics and has a distinguished history.
- The
Annals of the Australian Historical Society is edited by Dr Proctor.
Theory Verb- Subject Agreement from See the section on
Plurals for additional help with subject-verb agreement.

- Everyone has
done his or her homework.
- Somebody has
left her purse.
Some indefinite pronouns — such as all, some —
are singular or plural depending on what they're referring to. (Is the thing
referred to countable or not?) Be careful choosing a verb to accompany such
- Some of the beads are
- Some of the water is
On the other hand, there is one indefinite pronoun, none,
that can be either singular or plural; it often doesn't matter whether you use
a singular or a plural verb — unless something else in the sentence determines
its number. (Writers generally think of none as meaning not any
and will choose a plural verb, as in "None of the engines are
working," but when something else makes us regard none as meaning not
one, we want a singular verb, as in "None of the food is fresh.")
- None of you claims
responsibility for this incident?
- None of you claim
responsibility for this incident?
- None of the students have done
their homework. (In this last example, the word their precludes the
use of the singular verb.

Some indefinite pronouns are particularly troublesome Everyone
and everybody (listed above, also) certainly feel like more than
one person and, therefore, students are sometimes tempted to use a plural verb
with them. They are always singular, though. Each is often followed by a
prepositional phrase ending in a plural word (Each of the cars), thus confusing
the verb choice. Each, too, is always singular and requires a singular
Everyone has finished his or her homework.
You would always say, "Everybody is
here." This means that the word is singular and nothing will change that.
Each of the
students is responsible for doing his
or her work in the library.
Don't let the
word "students" confuse you; the subject is each and each
is always singular — Each is responsible.

- The mayor as well as his brothers is going to prison.
- The mayor and his brothers are going to jail.

- Neither of the two traffic lights is working.
- Which shirt do you want for Christmas?
Either is fine with me.
In informal writing, neither and either
sometimes take a plural verb when these pronouns are followed by a
prepositional phrase beginning with of. This is particularly true of
interrogative constructions: "Have either of you two clowns read
the assignment?" "Are either of you taking this
seriously?" Burchfield calls this "a clash between notional and
actual agreement."*

- Either my father or my brothers are
going to sell the house.
- Neither my brothers nor my father is
going to sell the house.
- Are either my
brothers or my father responsible?
- Is either my
father or my brothers responsible?
Because a sentence like "Neither my brothers nor
my father is going to sell the house" sounds peculiar, it is
probably a good idea to put the plural subject closer to the verb whenever that
is possible.

- There are
two reasons [plural subject] for this.
- There is
no reason for this.
- Here are
two apples.
With these constructions (called expletive
constructions), the subject follows the verb but still determines the number of
the verb.

He loves
and she loves and they love_ and . . . .

The mayor, who has been convicted along with his
four brothers on four counts of various crimes but who also seems, like a cat,
to have several political lives, is
finally going to jail.
Sometimes nouns take weird forms and can fool us into
thinking they're plural when they're really singular and vice-versa. Consult
the section on the Plural Forms of
Nouns and the section on Collective
Nouns for additional help. Words such as glasses, pants,
pliers, and scissors are regarded as plural (and require plural verbs) unless
they're preceded the phrase pair of (in which case the word pair
becomes the subject).
- My glasses were
on the bed.
- My pants were
- A pair of plaid trousers is in the closet.

- The news from the front is bad.
- Measles is
a dangerous disease for pregnant women.
On the other hand, some words ending in -s
refer to a single thing but are nonetheless plural and require a plural verb.
- My assets were
wiped out in the depression.
- The average worker's earnings have gone up dramatically.
- Our thanks go
to the workers who supported the union.
The names of sports teams that do not end in
"s" will take a plural verb: the Miami Heat have been looking
… , The Connecticut Sun are hoping that new talent … . See the section
on plurals for help with
this problem.

- Some of the voters are
still angry.
- A large percentage of the older population is voting against her.
- Two-fifths of the troops were lost in the battle.
- Two-fifths of the vineyard was destroyed by fire.
- Forty percent of the students are in favor of changing the policy.
- Forty percent of the student body is in favor of changing the policy.
- Two and two is
- Four times four divided by two is eight.

- The department members but not the chair have decided
not to teach on Valentine's Day.
- It is not the faculty members but the president
who decides this issue.
- It was the speaker, not his ideas, that has provoked
the students to riot.
20 Rules
of Subject Verb Agreement
grammar is not as static a science as is typically assumed, there are 20 rules
of subject verb agreement that attempt to
objectify part of the English language form. Most of the concepts of subject
verb agreement are straightforward, yet some aspects of singular and plural
usage in English grammar are more complicated.Consider the second person plural pronoun y'all as it's used in the southern American dialect, for example. Addressing a group of people in the second person using standard English is inefficient and requires more words.
A sentence like I want to talk to all of you sitting at the table in standard English can be accomplished quite simply in southern American dialect with the sentence I want to talk to y'all.
What Are the Rules?
Subjects and verbs must agree in
number. This is the cornerstone rule that forms the background of the concept.
The dog growls when he is angry.
The dogs growl when they are angry.
2. Don’t
get confused by the words that come between the subject and verb; they do not
affect agreement.
The dog, who is chewing on my
jeans, is usually very good.
3. Prepositional phrases between the
subject and verb usually do not affect agreement.
The colors of the rainbow are beautiful.
4. When
sentences start with “there” or “here,” the subject will always be placed after
the verb, so care needs to be taken to identify it correctly.
There is
a problem with the balance sheet. Here are the papers you requested.
5. Subjects don't always come before verbs in
questions. Make sure you accurately identify the subject before deciding on the
proper verb form to use.
Does Lefty
usually eat grass? Where are the pieces of this puzzle.
6. If two subjects are joined by and, they
typically require a plural verb form.
The cow and the
pig are jumping over the moon.
7. The verb is singular if the two subjects separated
by and refer to the same person or thing.
Red beans and
rice is my mom's favorite dish.
8. If one of the words each, every, or no comes
before the subject, the verb is singular.
No smoking
or drinking is allowed. Every man and woman is required to check in.
9. If the subjects are both singular and are connected
by the words or, nor, neither/nor, either/or, and not only/but also
the verb is singular.
Jessica or
Christian is to blame for the accident.
10. The only time when the object of the preposition
factors into the decision of plural or singular verb forms is when noun and
pronoun subjects like some, half, none, more, all, etc. are followed by a
prepositional phrase. In these sentences, the object of the
preposition determines the form of the verb.
All of the chicken
is gone. All of the chickens are gone.
11. The singular verb form is usually used for units
of measurement or time.
Four quarts
of oil was required to get the car running.
12. If the subjects are both plural and are connected
by the words or, nor, neither/nor, either/or, and not only/but also,
the verb is plural.
Dogs and cats
are both available at the pound.
13. If one subject is singular and one plural and the
words are connected by the words or, nor, neither/nor, either/or, and not
only/but also, you use the verb form of the subject that is nearest the
Either the
bears or the lion has escaped from the zoo. Neither the
lion nor the bears have escaped from the zoo.
14. Indefinite pronouns typically take singular
verbs. *
Everybody wants to be loved.
15. * Except for the pronouns (few, many,
several, both, all, some) that always take the plural form.
Few were left alive
after the flood.
16. If two infinitives are separated by and
they take the plural form of the verb.
To walk and to
chew gum require great skill.
17. When gerunds are used as
the subject of a sentence, they take the singular verb form of the verb; but,
when they are linked by and, they take the plural form.
Standing in the water was
a bad idea. Swimming in the ocean and playing drums are my
18. Collective nouns like herd, senate, class, crowd,
etc. usually take a singular verb form.
The herd
is stampeding.
19. Titles of books, movies, novels, etc. are treated
as singular and take a singular verb.
The Burbs is a movie
starring Tom Hanks.
20. Final Rule – Remember, only the subject affects
the verb!
Examples of Subject Verb Agreement
Subject verb agreement simply means the
subject and verb must agree in number. This means both need to be singular or
both need to be plural.
Subject/Verb Agreement Examples
Here are
some examples of subject verb agreement (the subject is bolded and the verb
underlined): - My dog always growls at the postal
- Basketballs roll across the floor.
- I don’t understand the
- These clothes are too small for me.
- Peter doesn’t like vegetables.
subjects (two subjects in the same sentence) usually take a plural verb, unless
the combination is treated as singular in popular usage or the two subjects
refer to the same thing or person. Here are some examples of subject verb
agreement with compound subjects:- Sugar and flour are needed for the recipe.
- Neither my dad nor my brothers know how to ski.
- Pepperoni and cheese are great on a pizza.
- Corned beef and cabbage is a traditional meal
in Ireland. (popular usage)
- The creator and producer is arriving soon. (both refer to same
- My mom or dad is coming to the play. (singular)
- Neither gray nor white is my favorite color.
- Either Grandpa or my sisters are going to the
park. (closest subject is plural)
- Either my sisters or Grandpa is going to the
park. (closest subject is singular)
- Neither she nor I am going to college. (closest
subject is singular)
Indefinite Pronouns
Here are
some examples of subject verb agreement with singular indefinite pronouns:- Each gets a trophy for playing.
- Somebody will pay for this.
- Anybody is more fun than you.
- Something is very wrong here.
- Everybody enjoys a good book.
- Nothing has been determined as of yet.
Indefinite Prounouns
Here are
some examples of subject verb agreement with plural indefinite pronouns:- Both are qualified for the job.
- Many went to the beach and got
- Few know what it really takes to
get ahead.
- Several are already on location.
- Some sugar is required for taste.
(sugar is uncountable so singular verb used)
- Most of the cookies were eaten.
(cookies are countable so plural verb used)
Phrase or Clause
Here are
some examples of subject verb agreement with a phrase or clause between the
subject and verb:- A theory of physics ascertains that a
body in motion stays in motion.
- A virus in all the company’s computers is
a real threat to security.
- The causes of this prevalent disease are
bad diet and lack of exercise.
- The couch and chair I got at the store look
really nice in here.
- The members of the choir are very happy
with the performance.
nouns can be singular or plural depending on meaning. Here are some examples of
subject verb agreement with collective nouns:- The committee meets here every Thursday.
- The crowd is getting angry.
- The jury has finally reached a decision.
- The majority rules most of the time.
- The staff have gone their separate ways for
the holidays. (plural)
Here are
some examples of subject verb agreement with inverted subjects where the
subject follows the verb:- There are seven clean plates in the dining room.
- There is a hair in my lasagna.
- Over the rainbow flies
a bird.
- How are the employees enjoying the new building?
- A good gift is a gift card.
When the subject follows the verb
When the
subject follows the verb (especially in sentences beginning with the expletives
"there is" or "there are"), special care is needed to
determine the subject and to make certain that the verb agrees with it.
the wall were several posters.
are many possible candidates.
is only one good candidate.
When words like "each" are the
When used
as subjects, words such as- each, either, neither
- another
- anyone, anybody, anything
- someone, somebody, something
- one, everyone
- everybody, everything
- no one, nobody, nothing
Do not be confused by prepositional phrases which come between a subject and its verb. They do not change the number of the subject.
takes her turn at rowing.
likes the friends of the other.
in the fraternity has his own set of prejudices.
of the rowers takes her turn at rowing.
one of the fraternity members has his own set of prejudices.
When words like "none" are the
words such as- none, any, all
- more, most, some
of the dollar was spent.
of the dollars were spent.
here the prepositional phrase does affect the subject. It tells you whether you
are talking about a part of one thing (singular) or about a number of things
When the subjects are joined by
joined by "and" take plural verbs.Be aware: phrases such as "in addition to," "as well as," and "along with" do not mean the same thing as "and." When inserted between the subject and the verb, these phrases do not change the number of the subject.
Tom and Jane have English 167 papers due on Tuesday.
as well as Jane, has an English 207 paper due Tuesday.
When singular subjects are joined by words
like "or"
subjects joined by "or," "nor," "either . . .
or," or "neither. . . nor" take a singular verb.
the man or his wife knows the truth of the matter.
money nor power was important any longer.
When one subject is
singular and one plural
If one
subject is singular and one is plural, the verb agrees with the nearer subject.
the television nor the radios work.
the radios nor the television works.
When a linking verb is
A linking
verb ("is," "are," "was," "were,"
"seem" and others) agrees with its subject, not its complement.
favorite dessert is blueberry muffins.
muffins are Joe's favorite dessert.
When a collective noun is
regarded as a unit, collective nouns, as well as noun phrases denoting
quantity, take singular verbs.
whole family is active.
is a collective noun regarded as a unit.)
family have met their various obligations.
individuals of the family are regarded separately.)
thousand bushels is a good yield.
quantity or unit)
thousand bushels were crated.
When a relative pronoun is
used as a subject of an adjective clause
relative pronoun ("who," "which," or "that") used
as a subject of an adjective clause takes either a singular or plural verb in
order to agree with its antecedent.
vegetable that contains DDT can be harmful.
clause modifying the singular noun "vegetable.")
that contain DDT can be harmful.
clause modifying the plural noun "vegetables.")
is one of the students who have done honor to the college.
clause modifies the plural noun "students." "Students" is
the antecedent of "who."
In the
above sentence Mary is just one of the students. So at least two students have
done honor to the college.Compare that to:
is the only one of our students who has achieved national recognition.
In this
case, "one," not "students," is the antecedent of
"who."Compare to the sentence above:
all our students, Mary is the only one who has achieved national recognition.