Media Sosial
existence of social media has changed the lifestyle of society in general.
Social media has a significant role in influencing the lifestyles of people in
this Indonesia.sekarang many people who were afraid of being unable to reach
their destination. Like when they see photos of friends or family that are
easily mengeskpos success through social media. Especially evident in Indonesia
now has a mobile phone penetration reaches 120 percent. In addition, the
majority of people dipenjuru archipelago has more than one smart phone and at
least two SIM cards. Even the increasingly easy access to data.
a new phenomenon where people are starting to try many new things so that they
can post their activities in social media. It also invited a lot of opinions
and also new perspective on the individual. There were looked at positive and
negative. For example, someone posts about food or eating place they are
visiting. In the positive side, of course, these people help the promotion that
indirectly he gave keopada people so that they can better known restaurant but
the negative side, there are people who think it is showing off. Besides the
higher nature apathetic to each other, because today every person we meet
wherever they certainly menggemgam their smartphones. Even when the road on
public roads whenever they can still be to see their smartphone despite the
fact that it may endanger himself.
only that, this phenomenon can also bring danger.
can take the example of it happened that recently occurred in Indonesia, namely
the death of a student in one of the slopes of Merapi. A few hours before he
died, the students had to post the photos he took at Merapi. And he was killed
because he wanted to get a photo on top of the gorge Merapi and posted on
social media. It is very distressing for adolescents today who do not even care
about their security side than the mere praise or like that they get on social
uploading a photo, teenagers nowadays also expect recognition of the people
around him.
we can not just judge from the negative side, many also obtained positive side
of this phenomenon sisial media. One is the increasing number of young
enterpreuner in Indonesia. With the social media, the child is more n-jdua
young to try even sell goods meraka generate yourself. Surely this provides a
great advantage for Indonesia. Many young people are vying to produce
creativity baru.banyak business opportunities they open.
this social media phenomenon we can not only view from one side only. Obviously
the positive side or negative, should we as individuals can intelligently sort
choose how we deal with this social media phenomenon. And with the expected
rise of social media in Indonesia can provide positive effects for young
children Indonesia.
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